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How do we take care of our environment?

Our experts in environmental management strive to make sure that the productive development is done optimizing the resources and minimizing the negative impact. An increasingly innovative and technological sector allows industrial activity to be compatible with caring for the environment.

Complying and innovating

  1. With strict environmental management systems and environmental programs that materialize in the implementation of action plans in all our production units.
  2. Complying with the audits that every year evaluate us and test our continuous improvement, a reason that makes us proud and demonstrates the effectiveness of our production methods.

At Grupo Cementos Portland Valderrivas we are certified in accordance with the ISO 14001: 2015 Standard and we also voluntarily submit to the EMAS standard, (The European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) designed by the European Commission for the public recognition of those corporations that have a good environmental management system in place that evaluates, manages and improves environmental impacts.

  1. Provide the resources and means necessary to meet environmental objectives and applicable environmental legislation, acquiring environmental commitments with the desire to go beyond strict compliance.
  2. Promote a policy of continuous improvement of the environmental aspects of the products, activities and services on which we have influence.
  3. Identify the risks and opportunities of our activities to effectively plan the implementation of protection, prevention, action and remediation measures.
  4. Support the fight against climate change, controlling and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  5. Promote the sustainability of natural resources, introducing principles of circular economy, fostering the use of alternative fuels and materials, especially in the manufacture of cement.
  6. Reduce wastewater discharges and optimize water consumption
  7. Encourage the minimization of waste, both hazardous and non-hazardous, promoting the reduction, reuse or recycling, including its energy recovery against disposal or landfill
  8. Preserve the natural environment of the facilities reducing, mitigating or restoring any adverse impact on the environment and preserving biodiversity
  9. Incorporate environmental considerations into strategic planning, investment programs and equipment acquisition and deepen the application of Best Available Techniques (BAT) in processes.
  10. Facilitate the awareness training of our employees on environmental matters
  11. Disseminate our environmental and sustainable principles to stakeholders