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Located in the municipality of Olazagutía, province of Navarre, started its activity in 1903. It has its own quarry, a crushing plant of 1,200 tons / hour, two production lines with a crude crushing capacity of 100 and 110 tons / hour and clinker production of 1,480 and 1,530 tons / day respectively, a cement grinding plant (2 grinders) and bagging.

It has recently supplied cement to first-rate works such as: the high-speed train, the Enciso dam and the Navarre Canal.

  • Cement production capacity (t / year): 1,055,000.
  • Clinker production capacity (t / day): 2,803


CEM I 52,5 R (ba)

Portland cement type CEM I of high resistance 52.5 Mpa at 28 days with high initial resistance R.

It is composed of a special clinker that achieves a slower and more progressive setting even at high ambient temperatures.

Suitable for the production of concrete, both in mass and reinforced, when rapid hardening is required.


The new range of Micro-cements of the Group

The MicroVal are the range of our microcements based on Portland Cement with the addition of iron and steel slag and with sulfo-resistant characteristics, giving much higher performance than those currently in the market.

These are high performance and durability Micro ultrafines, with a particle size less than 32 microns in the TP-32 and less than 12 microns in the TP-12. Its implementation is carried out with superfluidified grouts. Its injectability allows the treatment of zones with permeability up to 10-3m/s in the case of TP-32 and 10-4m/s for TP-12.

They are highly indicated in the preparation of grouts for injection works, for consolidation and/or sealing of soil and in concrete in aggressive environments, underground work, construction and/or rehabilitation of bridges, dams, aqueducts, historical monuments, applications in the oil industry and petrochemical plants; annular injections (micropiles and pipes) as well as special foundations.

CEM II/A-L 42,5 R

Portland cement with limestone, high-end clinker, type CEM II / A-L of medium-high resistance 42.5 MPa at 28 days with high initial resistance R.

Recommended in the preparation of concrete, both in mass and reinforced, when rapid stripping is required. Also in the manufacture of concretes with high mechanical requirements, for light precast, for fair-faced or architectural concrete parts and for the preparation of ready-made mortars.

CEM II/A-M (V-L) 42,5 R

Mixed Portland cement type CEM II / A-M with addition of fly ash and limestone (V-L)

medium-high strength 42.5 MPa at 28 days with high initial strength R.

Suitable in the preparation of concrete, both in mass and reinforced, when a fast hardening is needed.

Its high content of fly ash increases workability when it comes to make concrete or mortar with this requirement.

CEM II/B-M (V-L) 32,5 N

Mixed Portland cement, low-end clinker, type CEM II / B-M with the addition of fly ash and limestone (V-L) of medium strength 32.5 MPa at 28 days with normal initial resistance N.

Suitable for making concrete prepared for use in reinforced and mass concrete, when the mechanical or loading requirements are not very demanding.

The concretes made with this cement see their workability increased due to the fly ash it contains.

Also used for the stabilization of soils and soil-cement as well as in the preparation of mortars and concretes for masonry in general.

Available in:

Granel y Saco 25 kg

Available in:

Granel y Saco 25 kg

CEM II/B-L 32,5 N

Portland cement with limestone type CEM II / B-L of medium strength 32.5 MPa to 28

days with normal initial resistance N.

It is used in ready-mix concrete plants for the manufacture of mass concrete, stabilized mortars and self-compacting concrete.

Also recommended in the preparation of masonry mortars.


Through a process similar to that of Portland cement, varying the proportions of raw materials, but maintaining the same levels of quality control, we obtain Rapidval, a very fast setting hydraulic binder and instantaneous initial strengths.

Its composition includes the components of Portland clinker, but in different proportions, achieving very fast setting of between 4 and 5 minutes and initial resistance almost instantaneous enough to carry out many jobs within its field of application. These characteristics make this product a revolution within the cement industry.

Download factsheet Seguridad RAPIDVAL.

Download the certificate DITE 11/0019.

CEM I 52,5 R

Portland cement type CEM I of high resistance 52.5 MPa at 28 days with high initial resistance R.

Necessary to manufacture high strength concretes, very suitable for the industrial manufacture of precast structural elements that require maximum resistance.

Its high performance makes it especially suitable for the preparation of prestressed concrete, widely used in special public works, such as prestressed concrete bridges.

Available in:


Available in:


Available in:

Granel y Saco 25 kg

Available in:

Granel y Saco 25 kg

Available in:

Granel y Saco 25 kg

CEM I 42,5 R/SR 5

Portland cement type I of medium-high strength 42.5 MPa at 28 days with normal initial strength N and resistant to sulphates/SR.

Recommended in the manufacture of normal-high performance concretes, very suitable for the industrial manufacture of prefabricated structural elements that require maximum resistance and are in contact with soil or waters that contain sulphates or have to be located in marine environments.

Its high performance makes it suitable for foundations in gypsum soils and/or in areas close to the sea.

Available in:

Bulk and 25kg Bags

Available in:

Granel y Saco 25 kg


Portland cement type CEM I of high resistance 52.5 MPa at 28 days with very high initial resistance R.

ULTRAVAL, High Strength cement

Achieves four times more than other high-strength cements.

UltraVal attains very high mechanical resistance in 6-8 hours, equivalent to 28-day-old concrete.

It is a Portland cement with very high mechanical performance, especially at short ages, which allows the works to be put into service immediately. It also allows increases in productivity in general and especially in the prefabrication industry.

It is highly indicated in concrete in cold environments, in environments to which active additions are added, mainly silica fume, when a high surface quality is required in fair-faced concrete and in cases where the quality of the aggregates would not allow high performance of concrete to be achieved.

CEM I 52,5 R (ai)

Portland cement type CEM I of high resistance 52.5 MPa at 28 days with high initial resistance R improving its resistance at all ages. One of our cements of the highest range of resistance, which achieves compressive strength at all ages, well above those established in the standard. It is a very suitable cement for the production of precast and prestressed elements. Designed to achieve concrete and precast that need to attain maximum resistance, especially at an early age.